Technical Consulting
Technical consulting services provide fast and effective deployment of SolarWinds® software and reduces the time required to return value from your investment.
- Health Check/Remediation
- Deployment
- Advanced Configuration
- Data Migration
- Software Upgrade
- Advanced Reporting
- Backup/Recovery
Starts at $1,000
Prepaid Consulting
Prepaid consulting services provide flexible access to industry-leading IT management consultants and the help you need to maintain your SolarWinds® software.
- Deployment
- Advanced Configuration
- Data Migration
- Software Upgrade
- Development
- Advanced Reporting
- Backup/Recovery
Starts at $2,000
Premier Support
Premier support services for organizations that require dedicated support services for SolarWinds® software. Premier Support is available with an annual contract.
- 24x7 Availability
- Proven methodology
- Problem Analysis
- Remediation
- Responsive service
- Flexible and Scalable
- Reduced Cost
Starts at $5,000/year
Premier Support: Incident
Premier support services for organizations that require dedicated support services for SolarWinds® software. Premier Support is available in a pay-per-incident model.
- 9x5 Availability
- Proven methodology
- Problem Analysis
- Remediation
Starts at $500/incident
Technical Training
Comprehensive instructor-led classes online in our virtual classroom, so you have the benefits of SolarWinds® training without the hassle and expense of travel.
- Standardized Courses
- Free Courseware
- Certified Trainers
- Certification of Completion
Starts at $2,000
Maintenance Renewal
Renewing your SolarWinds® maintenance is simple, fair, and affordable – and far less expensive than purchasing a new license after your product maintenance has expired.
- 24×7 Technical Support
- Product Updates
- Product Training
- Discount Pricing
Free Service